Australia’s Chief Scientist
Marine scientist and entrepreneur Emeritus Professor Tony Haymet FTSE commenced as Australia’s tenth Chief Scientist on 28 January 2025. He was appointed for a three-year term and replaces Dr Cathey Foley, a well-regarded physicist who helped launch Australia’s quantum push and embed more scientific advice in policy making.
Professor Haymet has had a lengthy career both in Australia and overseas. He is a former director and vice-chancellor emeritus at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, and co-founder of a company that manufactures in-ocean robots. He was the Chair of the Oceans Council at the World Economic Forum in 2012-13 and more recently Chair of the Antarctic Science Foundation.
The position of Australia’s Chief Scientist provides high-level independent advice to the Prime Minister and the Australian government on matters related to science, technology and innovation. The role includes the position of Executive Officer to the National Science and Technology Council, identifying challenges and opportunities for Australia that can be addressed, in part, through science and technology.
The position is an advocate for Australian science internationally and focuses national thinking on science across the states and territories through the Forum of Australian Chief Scientists…read more.

NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer
The NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer consults widely with academia, industry and government to ensure that knowledge and research are translated to benefit NSW. Key responsibilities include fostering a lively state innovation system, and providing independent advice on difficult policy problems that involve science or engineering.
Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte is the current NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer. Hugh is a world-leading authority on machine learning and robotics, and their application in areas including cargo handling, mining and defence…Read more.

Victoria’s Lead Scientist
Victoria’s Lead Scientist works across the Victorian Government to foster linkages and identify opportunities for economic outcomes by engaging with business, the research sector, government and the broader Victorian community.
The role of the Lead Scientist is to enhance university engagement with industry, scan the horizon for new technologies, provide high-level strategic advice, advocate for the role of STEM in society and to improve innovation capacity in the public sector. Dr Amanda Caples BSc Hons PhD GAICD was appointed to the role in mid-2016…read more.

Queensland Chief Scientist
Professor Kerrie Wilson commenced her role as Queensland Chief Scientist on 1 November 2023. Professor Wilson is one of Australia’s leading researchers into the science, strategy and policy of conservation. She is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Sustainability and Research Integrity) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and the Executive Director of the QUT Institute for Future Environments. Professor Wilson has held leadership positions including Director of Conservation for The Nature Conservancy Australia and the Australian Natural Sciences Commissioner for UNESCO.
As the Queensland Chief Scientist, Professor Wilson chairs the Queensland Decarbonisation Hub Advisory Committee, Quantum Innovation Queensland, the Queensland Research Leaders Forum and Queensland Science Advisory Committee.
The Queensland Chief Scientist is a whole-of-government position that sits within the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation. It provides high-level strategic advice to the state government on the role of science, research and innovation to meet Queensland’s challenges.…Read more.

Chief Scientist for South Australia
Professor Craig Simmons FAA FTSE is a leading groundwater scientist, recognised for his contributions to groundwater science, science leadership, education, and policy reform, working across the public and private sectors. In 2015, he was awarded the title of South Australian Scientist of the Year. He was appointed the Chief Scientist for South Australia in April 2024.
Professor Simmons will take on the role of Chief Scientist whilst retaining his current position as Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Engineering, Science and Environment, at the University of Newcastle.
The Chief Scientist for South Australia provides independent advice to the Premier of South Australia, the Minister for Innovation and Skills, and Cabinet, on matters of science and research, technology and innovation…Read more.

Chief Scientist of Western Australia
Professor Peter Klinken AC is a leading Western Australian medical research scientist, highly regarded in his work advancing the understanding of genes involved in leukaemia, cancer and anaemia.
Professor Klinken began his tenure on 10 June 2014 and is Western Australia’s third Chief Scientist, since the role was established in 2003…Read more.